Speculative fiction workshop

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TITLE (FR) Atelier d’Écriture spéculative de technologies féministes
TITLE (EN) Speculative Writing Workshop on Feminist Technologies
AUTHOR spideralex
DAY: table, pens, markers, paper, walls to hang stuff (i will bring what i need)
NEEDS: table, pens, markers, paper, walls to hang stuff
LANGUAGE: french, spanish, englisg, catalan welcome, we can make it multilanguage
DESCRIPTION A workshop to blur genres, dynamite codes and assemble worlds

[FR] > Un atelier pour brouiller les genres, dynamiter les codes et assembler des mondes.

Corps, Machines, Nature et Culture…Trans-formation, SF dé-générées, Install party, Sémantiques utopiques, Rêveries qui rendent possible…

Quels sont nos imaginaire autour des technologies féministes, appropriées, ancestrales, souveraines, autonomes, libératrices, anti-capitalistes ? Comment seraient-elles ? De quoi seraient-elles faites ? Quelles seraient leurs fonctions ? Qui les construiraient , maintiendraient, recycleraient ? Dans quels ecosystèmes feraient-elles sens ?

Dans cet atelier qui se transformera en petite navette spatio-temporelle, nous imaginerons des narratives spéculatives et des fables qui s’attelleront des qu’elles auront été pensés ou dites a changer le monde.

Atelier participatif, ludique et expérimental. Pour toutes les personnes qui veulent repenser les technologies et nos mondes. Imagination, rêveries, surprise, questionnement, radical, ensemble. Matériel : Si vous avez des chouettes livres, images ou objets qui inspirent vos rêveries et fabulations utopiques vous pouvez les amener avec vous.

[ENG] > A workshop to blur genres, dynamite codes and assemble worlds.

Bodies, Machines, Nature and Culture...Trans-formation, de-generated SF, Install party, Utopian SF, Dreams that make possible...

What are our imaginations around feminist, appropriate, ancestral, sovereign, autonomous, liberating, anti-capitalist technologies? How would they be? What would they be made of? What would their functions be? Who would build them, maintain them, recycle them? In what ecosystems would they make sense?

In this workshop that will transform into a small space-time shuttle, we will imagine speculative narratives and fables that will change the world as soon as they have been thought or told.

Participatory, fun and experimental workshop. For all people who want to rethink technologies and our worlds. Imagination, daydreams, surprise, questioning, radical, together. Materials: If you have cool books, pictures or objects that inspire your dreams and utopian fabulations you can bring them with you.